Thursday, February 8, 2007

My experience

I have found blogging to be a fun experience. At first i was unsure about how to work the program, but as Dr. Strange gave us instruction, it became easier. I quickly learned how to change pictures and upload files to the page. I then went on to make my page more unique and complementary to my personality. I believe what also helped me was my experience with other blogging programs. Even though it was just a small amount of experience, it helped me to understand the program faster.

I think that blogging could be a very helpful tool in the elementary. I believe they should probably start at about third grade. they can use blogging as a creative writing time, and it would make the experience of this more enjoyable. They could use the blog time to stay motivated. It would encourage them to want to use their time to be creative and work on skills in grammar.


Rakesia Brown said...

Cute site Audrey! I'll give you a A for creativity. I love the Wizard of Oz too. We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful WIZARD OF OZ! Cool, your buttons don't work when you click on them though. The words to them do, but the pictures don't. Besides that, nice job! Come view My Blog

BrentsLJ10 said...

Hey there.. YOur sight was very great... Ilove the wizard of Oz too as well. the only thing I would have change is that your pictures are to big. I would make them smaller so you would not have to scroll all the way down to see what you have wrote. But for overall you did great...