Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What Gives

Well to start with i am frustrated right now with things beyond my control. i totally forgot about this thing and since no one ever looks at it i will express a few things. i hate it when people assume things without knowing the true story of everything. i have officially been pulled into the middle of something bigger than me b/c someone called mad at me the other day for something i never did. he cursed at me and threatened to slap me. so i went to someone about it and now he is being dealt with about things i never even said. others had gone to the higher power too. now i know the mad guy hates me and i feel bad because i am the one that caused all the trouble by telling on him. but he cant treat me like that. i am a human being. now i am stuck. frustrated and waiting. i cant even answer my phone for certian friends at this point. i did the right thing by telling because he is in leadership but he is my friend and i care about him. even though he treats me like crap. lol~ and i forgive him. this is prolly not understandable unless you are involved, but that isnt the point here. i needed to get it off my chest. there it is!

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