Tuesday, January 16, 2007

interesting facts about me

1. I work at Old Navy =)
2. My fav movie is Top Gun
3. My fav color is green
4. I absolutely love mexican food, even though i used to work at a restaraunt of mexican.
5. I am in college to be a 2nd grade teacher.
6. i still live at home with my parents. yay (with sarcasm)
7. i cant cook
8. i cant stand thunder
9. i love summer because of the warm weather.
10. i have 2 brothers and 1 sister.


BJ Evans said...

Holy Crap My favorite movie is top gun too awesome. Maybe it was the business classes i dunno. Where do you goto church if you dogo to church?

BJ Evans said...

Saints Game of course

BJ Evans said...

So yea hope you have a good time in class ttyl

Amanda said...

mmm....I love Mexican food as well. Have you been to La Cocina....its really small, almost a dive but its great! The food is fresh and always great!

LaVera said...

Im going to school to teach second grade also..Good Luck!